Call for Quotations - Equipment for Muscle Building and Strengthening Exercises
(VOPS A4.04.2024 - Powering through Life)
Malta Paralympic Committee (VO/1616) needs the QUOTES FOR BUYING of the following items of equipment for muscle building and strengthening exercises:
Olympic bar plates calibrated, 2 x (2.50 kg, 1.25 kg, 0.50 kg, 0.25 kg). Total Weight: 9 kg
Bar Collar set, Qty. 1 pair
Olympic bars (standard), Qty. 2
Standard Weights (plates) for Olympic Bar 2 x (5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg)
Lat Pulldown, Minimum Weight: 70 kg. Qty. 1
Seated Rowing Machine, Minimum Weight: 70 kg. Qty. 1
Leg press to be loaded with Olympic Plates, Qty. 1
Plyometric Boxes, wooden, Qty. 2
as part of the VOPS A4.04.2024 project ‘Powering through Life’.
Equipment is to be delivered to Dar tal-Providenza Gym, Siġġiewi Malta.
Submissions are to be sent by email to by Monday, 8th July 2024 noon.
Prospective bidders are invited to contact us for further specifications or clarifications.
This project is funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme (VOPS) managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) supported by the Ministry for Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector (MIV). This project/publiction reflects the views only of the author, and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
Malta Paralympic Committee
Published at 11.30 AM CET, Wednesday 3 July 2024