Applications open 15 July 2024 and close on 30 September 2024
Malta Paralympic Committee announces that applications under the Paralympic Sport and Para Sport Equipment Scheme are now open - apply today! Visit for the Scheme Terms and Conditions and Application Forms (Type A - Para Athletes / Type B - Clubs).
The scheme is a first-of-its-kind in Malta and is intended to support Para Athletes (persons with physical, visual and/or hearing impairments) and Sports Clubs offering training to Para Athletes by providing financial assistance to purchase specialised Paralympic Sport and Para Sport specialised adapted equipment for training and/or competition purposes. This includes equipment such as:

prosthetic limbs or equipment (including customised footwear for prosthesis or foot impairments, etc.)
sport wheelchair
adapted seats
adapted riggings and fittings (for example, for bicycles, ERGs, etc.)
adaptive gripping aids (example, used in rowing, archery, wheelchair basketball, etc.)

equipment for cardiovascular and/or strength & conditioning training purposes (example - adapted indoor bikes, ERGs, or other machines, etc.)
adapted training gear or adapted official competition apparel
equipment to aid visually impaired athletes (such as tappers, audio equipment, etc.)
communicative devices for athletes with hearing impairments
The Paralympic Sport and Para Sport Equipment Scheme is a collaboration between Malta Paralympic Committee and Sport Malta, and was launched in July 2024 as part of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games activiation and legacy programme. Malta Paralympic Committee expresses its gratitude to the support of Sport Malta.

Published on Monday 15 July at 9.00 am CET.
Malta Paralympic Committee